Construction of Water Supply Program at Sub District Laclubar and Sub District Barique, District Manatuto

The project donated by USAID and started in March 2010 to November 2010.Kind of work are new pipe installation and existing pipe rehabilitation,reservoir,captering,public tab,tank collection.

Construction of water supply program at Suco Hatuquesi,Sub district Liquica, District Liquica

This project donated by Japan Embassy in Timor Leste.Beneficiary of this
project 300 household. The project was started last February 2008 to August 2008.

Project of Rehabilitation of Bolsa Mae Building & Multifunction Sport Court

The project was done in 2010,that Lelo Construction.LDA did the sub contractor with Aplimentec Construction. Such as two project from UNDP are Rehabilitation of Bolsa da Mae Office at MSS office in Bemori and Rehabilitation of Multifunction Sport Court in Rai Nain Bairo Pite,Dili.
Both project we also involved local community with kind of the work is masonry wall, especially involved youth people to painting,etc

Rehabilitation of Bolsa da Mae

Rehabilitation of Multifunction Sport Court

Wall Protection of Loes River

Last year 2009, Lelo Construction got a project wall protection Loes River. The total of the project is USD 150,000. This project one of the package referendum's project.
The project was started early October 2009 and finished on December 2009.During constructed the wall Lelo Construction.LDA involved many  local community to the project. Many of them worked as skilled labor and unskilled labor. Lelo Construction.LDA involved more than 80 people for this project. Significant some of local community unemployment get benefit and income from this project.
Regarding with the material which our company were used local material like as river and mountain stone, river sand. There are the local community get as well income for their life.

Documentation Wall of Loes River Project